The One and Only

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1. Someday (2:32) - [ Sound Clip ]
2. How Much I Don't Know (3:19)
3. Fall Down (3:11)
4. Playground (2:37) - [ Sound Clip ]
5. It's Been So Very Long (3:00)
6. One or The Other (5:09)
7. Landmarks (2:40) - [ Sound Clip ]
8. Let's Try Again Tomorrow (3:32) - [ Sound Clip ]
9. Compromise (3:16)
10. Sterling (3:39)
**. [Hidden Track #10 - 13:48] (3:04)

Total Run Time: (46:07)
Date: 1997
Produced by: Gene Eugene and Luis Garcia
Label: BEC Recordings / Tooth & Nail Records
BEC Catalog #: BED7405
Tooth & Nail Catalog #: TND1097
Media: CD, Cassette
Vocals: Scott Silletta
Guitar: Eric Balmer
Bass: Luis Garcia
Drums: Adam Ferry
Cool Info: The original tentative name for "How Much I Don't Know" was "Mystified, True and Tried." The tentative name for "It's Been So Very Long" was "Man Enough," and "One Or the Other" was "I Can't Blame You". There was also a song called Psalm 21 that got removed from the album before production. "...Psalm 21 is a simple praise song that Luis wrote that has never been released and I'm not sure if it ever will." - Eric

my 'two cents'
Plankeye's forth release, the One and Only, was a shocking one. At first, not a good shocking.. The prior three had all been quite different, but all quite hard. While I wouldn't call the One and Only weak, it is definitely more pop then the previous three albums. Over a few listens, it just might catch you though. My favorite tracks are Playground and Let's Try Again Tomorrow. Yet another excellent album.

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