BEC Recordings Sampler Vol. 1

Tooth and Nail Sampler Vol. 3 - [ View CD Image ]

1. Big Orange Bubble - Morella's Forest
2. Downside - Klank
3. I'll Bet You Do - Joe Christmas
4. Strange - Driver Eight
5. Unleaded - Everdown
6. B.C. - Plankeye
7. Shrinky Dinks - Ghoti Hook
8. Flourish - Velour 100
9. Adonai - the Supertones
10. Threshold - Stavesacre
11. The Diamond In The Fish - Havalina Rail Co.
12. Something Must Break - Ninety Pound Wuss
13. Burgundy Years - Joy Electric
14. Missing You - Value-Pac
15. Untitled - Sal Paradise
16. A Girl Named Actually - Roadside Monument
17. Do Your Feet Hurt - MxPx
18. Last One Out - Puller

Total Run Time: (61:01)
Date: 1996
Produced by: Brandon Ebel
Label: Tooth & Nail Records
BEC Catalog #: TNSP5
Media: CD, Cassette
Vocals/Guitar: Scott Silletta
Guitar: Eric Balmer
Bass: Luis Garcia
Drums: Adam Ferry

my 'two cents'
This is the last of the first three original T&N Samplers. I managed to get my hands on this at a used record vendor at Creation.. (They were from Cali and were the world's coolest guys! I let one of them borrow my shampoo and we talked for awhile.. then they didn't even give me flack when I thought my Circle of Dust CD was defective twice in a row.. I think his name was Cory.. yeah. So BUY FROM THEM NEXT TIME.. hah, as if you know what one I'm talking about :) But anyways...)
It's a fine compilation, and I'm kicking myself that I didn't this stuff when it was actually availible.. and when I didn't buy Volume I at the same time time I got Volume III... all the old school T&N stuff. Yummy. Tasty treat. If you can find it, get it.

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