Commonwealth Review

Taken from CCM Magazine's May 1996 Issue

Band: Plankeye
Album Name: Commonwealth
Record Label: Tooth & Nail

Call it alternative rock, modern rock, or whatever, but the fact remains "Commonwealth" is simply a great rock 'n' roll album.

Musically, "Commonwealth" flies as far above "Spark" (Plankeye's last album) as "Spark" was above "Spill". Co-producers Gene Eugene and bassist Luis Garcia have brought Plankeye to the next step in its evolution as a potential heavyweight in Christian music. By mixing more slow songs with the trademark harder tunes, "Commonwealth" should gain access to new listeners without losing longtime fans. Perhaps the two strongest cuts are the energetic "B.C." and "Placement," both of which have all the raw intensity of "Plankeye's" No. 1 hit "Open House" but demonstrate a more mature songwriting. "Commonwealth" also shows great strides in the band's ability to write specifically Christian, but still honest and artistic lyrics, such as in the song "Whisper to Me": "Isn't it funny what I forgot today/Isn't is great how you work in spite of me/I can see that you're not laughing/Yeah I know it's not a joking matter...."

In a perfect world, "Plankeye" would be the next Tooth & Nail band to reach the "mainstream" (following in the footsteps of MxPx). The upcoming tour with Newsboys should help make that a reality, but regardless, "Commonwealth" should be on any rock fan's list of must-have new music.

    --Sean Taylor

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