Open Source?Opening the open source debate. Published in ESP, December 2000 Want to increase your team's productivity? Reduce Bugs? Meet deadlines? Take Jack's one day Better Firmware Faster seminar. You’ll learn how to estimate a schedule accurately, thwart schedule-killing bugs, manage reuse, build predictable real-time code, better ways to deal with uniquely embedded problems like reentrancy, heaps, stacks and hardware drivers, and much, much more. Jack will be presenting this seminar in Chicago (April 23, 2008), Denver (April 25) and London, UK (May 19). Want to be your company’s embedded guru? Join us! More info here. For hints, tricks and ideas about better ways to build embedded systems, subscribe to The Embedded Muse, a free biweekly e- newsletter. No advertising, just down to earth embedded talk. Click here to subscribe. Open
Source Vs Proprietary?
make free software affordable. There’s
a mountain of wisdom buried in this tag line from Cygnus (now part of Red Hat),
with more than a dollop of cynicism to boot. It comes to mind every time a
wildly enthusiastic open source advocate tells me how free code, or GPL’d
code, or any other variant of the “no charge” software thrust will save the
universe. Unhappily,
the open source phenomena is clouded by too much passion. Richard Stallman –
truly a passionate evangelist - is no doubt the visionary and prime mover behind
the free software movement (www.fsf.org),
which, in my opinion, confuses the issues behind open source. His view of
“free software” is quite at odds with what most people believe when
discussing open source code. Quotes
like “As a computer user today, you may find yourself using a proprietary
program. If your friend asks to make a copy, it would be wrong to refuse.
Cooperation is more important than copyright” (http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/why-free.html)
are naïve and simplistic. I do agree that copyright issues in the digital age
are hugely problematical, and are something we’ve just got to try to resolve.
But advocating theft seems ethically wrong as well as self defeating. Piracy in
the name of freeing the software is akin to “liberating” TV sets in times of
civil unrest. In
the last decade we’ve seen several entirely new business models predicated on
free code. Cygnus and Red Hat, for example, created brilliant companies selling
adjuncts like support and consulting to the freebies. Netscape used a free
browser to gain tremendous market share. Stallman claims success in selling his
consulting services to maintain free code. This movement has created a viable
business model, but it’s far from the only way of running a company. There
is a place for proprietary code, one that I can’t see ever disappearing.
Arguing that companies must adopt new business strategies to deal with a
philosophy of free code makes for great beery debates… but is largely
ineffective. Businesses do, and must, adopt models that allow for profits
(in a capitalistic economy). The software is a means to that end. Embedded
applications will almost certainly be a bastion of proprietary software. Few
CEOs, just having spent millions developing a product that gives a competitive
advantage, will then release all of that hard-won intellectual capital to the
public domain. When it’s code very specific to a particular domain – say, a
new kind of coke machine – few people would even be interested in the
firmware. If intellectual capital is truly an asset, it’s one that managers
will want to protect; often with good reason. Value Vs Cost
while companies circle the wagons to protect their rights to proprietary code,
somehow none manage to put a value on their intellectual capital. Even
Microsoft, whose real net worth is clearly in their software base, doesn’t
have an entry on their balance sheet for the value of that code. They do count
desks and buildings, things of no material importance to making the company what
it is. Until
the SEC and accounting groups find a way to recognize intellectual property as a
component of shareholders’ equity too many CEOs will continue to feel software
is a necessary evil. They won’t understand the cost of quality, and will be
too ready to say “it’s just a software change.” The
price of software is not its value. Quicken costs less than $100, but is worth
far more to Intuit… and to me. It’s the center of my personal financial
planning, of day to day expense tracking, and to understanding my own financial
position. Ditto for most applications I’ve bought. Millions of us amortize the
real value of the product. Without Quicken, or the other apps we use daily,
I’d suffer more than that $100 of loss. Mechanical
designers balk at the thousands of dollars CAD programs cost, yet pay the price
since they spend most of their lives working with AutoCAD or similar products.
The cost is high, but the value higher. The business transactions between the
designer and CAD vendor, which range from collecting money and shipping a
product to post-customer support, feature enhancements, and host ports, span a
range of operations much richer than just “cranking code”, offering a high
value-proposition for customers. Software,
especially firmware, is the most expensive thing in the universe. Ex-Lockheed
CEO Norman Augustine, in his wonderful book “Augustine’s Laws” (American
Institute of Aeronautics; ISBN: 1563472406) talks about how defense contractors
were in a bind in the late 70s. They found themselves unable to add anything to
fighter aircraft, because increasing a plane’s weight means decreasing
performance. Business requirements – increasing profits – meant that
regardless of the physics of flight they had to add features. Desperate for
something hideously expensive yet weightless, they found firmware. Today the
firmware costs of high performance aircraft runs about half the total plane
price. A success by any standard, except perhaps the taxpayers. Software
is the most expensive thing in the universe. This mantra teaches us several
things. First, costly things have a value to their producer. Just as books are
protected by copyright laws, it’s reasonable to protect proprietary code. Why
engage in the effort and cost to produce something of value, when that value
will be denied to the creator. Just as patents give a competitive edge to
inventors, keeping some code proprietary will, in many business models, give a
leg up to the creators. The
mantra also teaches us that writing code is the last thing we should ever do.
It’s cheaper to reuse code. It’s smarter to buy, beg, or borrow a module
than to code it ourselves. And here’s where I’m of two minds about the
philosophy of free software, or open source, or any other similar model. As
stated, I have no objection to companies keeping their assets private. But
we’re tumbling into a software crisis whose dimensions few realize. Code costs
too much, and is all too often of such low quality that it’s a miracle
anything works. As the old saying goes, if architects made buildings the way
programmers create code, the first woodpecker that came along would destroy
civilization. Free
software, or at least open source, holds some promise of reducing costs and
improving quality. Noble goals indeed. In my opinion, reuse of some sort is the
only hope we have to grapple with quality and cost issues. Unhappily the dream
of the software IC seems dead, doomed by lack of interest, pricing problems, and
quality concerns. In
the embedded domain, quality is probably the major reason why developers don’t
reuse code. When I ask developers why, for instance, they continue to write
their own RTOSes instead of buying one of the 100 or so commercial products, the
first concern is “what if there’s a bug? If I write my own I can debug it,
even at 3 AM.” Surely these are valid concerns, and clearly the vendors
haven’t adequately wrestled with this issue. Several
open source RTOSes are available. Still developers write their own; still I hear
the same complaint, now modified to “well, if I write it myself at least
I’ll understand it when problems arise.” Why is this? Is the old bugaboo,
Not Invented Here, the root cause behind the failure of developer to
institutionalize reuse? Once,
in a fit of despair, in trying to reach some understanding of these issues, I
downloaded Jean LaBrosse’s uC/OS (www.ucos-ii.com)
and ran it through a line counting program. 4000 lines of C. Not so much,
really. 4000 lines. I could write that in, um, well, pretty quick I bet. Maybe
not. Commercial firmware typically costs around $15 to $30 per line. That 4000
lines might cost $100k to design, code, and test, a lot of money by any
standard. So,
I’m cynical about the success of reuse since of the tiny amount of purchasable
code that exists (like RTOSes) 50-70% of users chose to write their own. Perhaps,
though, the relatively recent focus on open source can thwart people’s
determination to write as much code in-house as possible. One sign of hope:
people ask where they can get a TCP/IP stack now, instead of immediately
planning to write their own. I see folks ripping stacks out of Linux, for
example. Perhaps this is a harbinger of future success. Open Source Quality?
September’s Embedded Systems Conference panelists discussed the pros and cons
of open source versus proprietary software. As always, each side had powerful
arguments that leave me convinced there’s plenty of room in the market for any
sort of licensing scheme. But a question from the audience caught my attention.
“How can I trust your open source code in my safety critical application when
anyone can make changes?” This is quite an interesting twist from the paradigm
that lots of eyes looking at the code equals high quality. The panelists
returned at best ambiguous answers, nothing that gave me a feeling of security. Having
looked at a fair amount of the open source software I’m struck by the wide
diversity of coding styles, commenting standards (or lack thereof), and general
approach to writing software. Much of the source is frankly terrible, even if it
works. Some is beautiful. Given such a range how does one insure quality?
Testing, while always a vital part of any qualification process, is not by
itself enough to guarantee the stuff works. Quality starts with a good spec and
design, is enforced by rigid standards and inspections, and confirmed by
rigorous tests that have been as carefully designed as the software itself. Are
we sure that the latest patch to, say, Linux meets all of those criteria? Puzzled
by this intriguing puzzle I asked a Linux vendor the same question. His answer
was as reasonable as it was surprising (surprising since the show floor was
flooded with companies promoting Linux as the solution to all embedded needs,
from internet-aware toasters to smart picture frames). “Forget Linux for
safety critical applications,” he said, “it’s not certified to any
standard, and is so complex it probably never will be.” Not being a Linux guru
I have no idea how accurate the statement is, but coming from a vendor it sounds
a note of alarm for high-rel applications. The
obvious moral is that we need different tools for different needs. I do wonder,
though, if this describes an innate problem in creating quality code using the
open source model. If there’s one thing we need in this industry, it’s a resolve to do things in a disciplined manner, all of the time. That means many things, including adopting standard ways to write code. Chaos stems from hundreds of independent developers, all conforming to their own ad hoc (or non-existent) styles, standards, procedures and methods. Although it is possible to write C code which is understandable, it is not common practice to use a verbose, understandable style. C provides cryptic shortcuts that run counter to clarity, and they are commonly used The open source world will greatly benefit when there’s a coding czar that demands all submitted work products meets certain standards, and is accompanied by design docs and test plans/code. A respected “keeper of the code quality” could indeed insure that submissions are as close to perfect as we know how to make. Of course, someone has to pay this person’s or the organization’s wages. To
be fair, I’ve found that almost universally people building proprietary
software suffer from all of the same problems. Virtually none use a disciplined
development process. Firmware standards, when they do exist, are always
ignored. Test plans tend to materialize in a last ditch bit of heroics, not as a
result of up-front well thought out design. I’m
constantly astonished that so few firmware folks know of the various approaches
the software community has invented to deal with building complex systems
accurately. One example is the Capability Maturity Model (www.sei.cmu.edu).
This model is notoriously difficult and expensive to implement. But it contains
much wisdom that all of us should be studying. Conclusion
pro-proprietary panelist mentioned that he does indeed often use the GNU tools
when building a new compiler or similar utility. He can use pieces of the open
source code, say a code generator, to get his own product up quickly. Then, he
writes a replacement for the chunks ported from GNU till the entire product is
proprietary. But
does this mean that the GNU Public License “infects” proprietary code? If
the application is 50% GNU and 50% private, I presume that means the app must
follow the rules of the GPL. It must be released as an open source product. As
coding progresses and GNU is eventually removed entirely, is the entire code
base now open source? Taking
this question to an extreme, how can you be sure that code, ported from some
other application, hasn’t been infected? Do we need a clean room mentality? If
so, reuse is doomed. Open
source does indeed allow a lot of smart folks to find and fix problems. It lets
a user understand what’s going on in much more detail than possible using a
black box component, and gives us the confidence that in the worst case at least
we can do our own support. But
just like proprietary software, embedded folks can find themselves trapped with
an obsolete version of an open source product (since embedded systems seem to
live forever, requiring maintenance for decades). There’s no guarantee that
the code is any good, nor that any smart eyes have taken the trouble to examine
it. Open
source clearly has benefits for users, and for those companies that find a way
to exploit it. Proprietary code makes sense for vendors, but in some cases also
for users (keeping known good safety critical code secure comes to mind). I
can’t help wonder, though, the oligopolies can’t get all of the benefits of
open source with no downside to their business. Perhaps in the Microsoft
anti-trust case the remedy should be to place Windows under one of the open
source models. Microsoft can still make a ton of money from it, but users will
benefit as thousands – millions – of eyes look for bugs. Back to home page. The Ganssle Group