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Develop Firmware in Half the Time A Video For Firmware Developers and Their Bosses
Should the sailor frantically bail water from his sinking
boat... or stop and plug the leak? Many firmware developers are EEs without a lot of software engineering background. Others who went through a complete CS program got a heavy dose of big methodologies... but too little of that scales from academia to the chaotic real-world of building products on a schedule. I conduct seminars that show ways to build better firmware faster. They focus on technical approaches to deal with memory, performance and other problems, as well as lightweight processes we can - must! - use to reduce bugs and accelerate the schedule. Still, my in-box is flooded with cries for help. Companies I've visited want something to educate the boss. Others, who can't attend the seminars due to travel limitations, schedule panics or budget issues are desperate for advice, ideas and techniques. So I have produced a video called "Develop Firmware in Half the Time". The first of its kind, this video will show you proven techniques that will accelerate your product to market, while drastically improving its quality. All recommendations are practical, useful today, and tightly focused on embedded system development. This professionally-produced video has a somewhat different focus than my seminars. There's no technology in it; you won't learn why most solutions to reentrancy problems are flawed or how to optimize ISR performance. Instead, it concentrates entirely on getting a product to market faster. What are you doing to upgrade your skills? How are you helping your engineers succeed? Do you consistently produce quality firmware on schedule? If not . . . what are you doing about it? The video comes as two VHS tapes or two DVDs, with an 80 page workbook loaded with backup material to help you be even more productive. Check out the brochure for more information, or go directly to
our secure page and order now. The Ganssle Group