Eris FAQ by Eris 16/22 Astrology Publications

Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Eris publications since August 1st 2005. Eris in love, war, synastry and marriage horoscopes. Eris has been delineated for finance, in conjunction, in secondary direction and many special positions in the "X zodiac" as well as in the 16/22 System of Astrology.

Where is Eris for the U.S.A.?

Eris is in Pavo for the U.S.A. This constellation was not visible from Philadelphia at the birth of the nation time. The constellation of the Peacock pertains to the southern skies.

How does Eris travel the zodiac?

Eris does not travel the zodiac like e.g. Saturn does. The popular model has the planets circling in circular motion on a sort of cosmic plate for all practical purposes. Already the Moon and Venus define the 22 constellations of the astronomic zodiac quite contrary to the popular idea of the flat solar system. It is possible to understand Pluto and Eris in their motion as soon as the Moon and Venus are studied in the zodiacal system.

Eris cuts through selected zodiacal constellations on two occasions when it crosses the ecliptic. These zodiacal constellations are Cetus (the present position), Pisces, Cetus II, Aries, Virgo, Libra and Hydra. The X zodiac as traveled by Eris includes Perseus. Eris wil enter Perseus after Aries. Eris thus is the only known object of interest to make long close conjunctions with the star Algol. Details about the X zodiac include Eris in extrazodiacal constellations such like Phoenix, Indus or Pavo. The X zodiac has more than 40 constellations.

Where is the Sun presently?

This is a very frequent question. While people get confused with various theories the Sun is exactly where we observe it in the true sky. The star the Sun is conjunct with at the time of the question can clear this out.

2006-Nov-23 00:00 Lib
2006-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2006-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2006-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2006-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2006-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2006-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2006-Nov-30 00:00 Sco
2006-Dec-01 00:00 Oph

The question may sound quite naive but it is not. The Sun is e.g. still in Libra on November 23rd which is also Sai Baba's birthday. So adjust to the true position of your natal Sun if you intend to calculate a correct natal horoscope. "Oph" stands for Ophiuchus, one of the best-known zodiacal stations. There are 22 zodiacal constellations in all. Jupiter is in Ophiuchus in the year 2007.

Where is Eris in my Natal Chart?

It is probably in Cetus constellation. As its latitude varies from 24 degrees for the year 1950 to 14 degrees for current horoscopes it is not an easy dwarf planet to deal with in synastry. The issue is that Eris does not make conjunctions with planets in the way e.g. Saturn does. Would you consider 24 degrees to be a conjunction? Eris has nevertheless been coupled with the planets in conjunction, synastry and even opposition. Our publications dealing with Eris cover every facet of its real position in modern astrology.

Is Eris in Aries?

Eris is not in Aries yet. It will travel through Cetus, Pisces, Cetus II, Aries, Perseus, Camelopardalis and so on around the celestial globe. Its trajectory is the X-zodiac as published on Aug 1st 2005. Note that Eris will never enter Taurus much as Pluto is unable to enter Pisces or Aries on its way. Pluto chooses Cetus to cross into Taurus.

Where is Eris for my Grandfathers?

It may be in the extrazodiacal constellation of Sculptor. Sculptor is still below Cetus. The previous generation had Eris in Phoenix. In the year 1818 Eris is in Tucana, then it moves into Grus and Phoenix. Phoenix is famous for its financial properties in the case of the Federal Reserve System as well as the da Vinci cycle of Eris.

Where is Eris for the Pope?

The pope still pertains to the reliable as well as constructive generation of Eris in Sculptor. Eris enters Cetus in the first years of the pope's life. It is welcome news for some that we astrologers finally agree with the scientists. Eris is presently in Cetus. There is no need to ridicule science with preposterous little programs that blurt out impossible ephemeris as well as hilarious planetary positions. Here is the transition of Eris from Sculptor to Cetus as produced by NASA equipment.

1926-Nov-28 00:00 Scl
1927-Jun-16 00:00 Scl
1928-Jan-02 00:00 Scl
1928-Jul-20 00:00 Cet

Which ephemeris are authoritative in the case of Eris?

NASA issues authoritative ephemeris. You can download the ephemeris for the Sun, Venus and Eris from the site. The 16/22 astrology system uses NASA ephemeris on exclusive basis for all calculations.

What is the 16/22 astrology system?

The 16/2 system is the sky as we observe it in real life with its 22 zodiacal constellations and the 16 ascendants for the current epoch.

What is the Night & Day house system?

The Night and Day house system is ready to be tested against all house systems and astrology systems on the planet. It can stand the test since it is based on the true skies instead of just models.

How is it possible that planets "jump house" or even over another planet in a horoscope? The Night and Day system is the ultimate shattering change that the 16/22 astrology system brings into modern astrology. The answer is that the planets don't really jump over another. They have always been there as observed from planet Earth.

What can be expected when applying the Night and Day house system to your own horoscope? The examples show that everything can be expected indeed! A planet can occupy a place previously blank. Some planets will not move at all from their own houses but some will not only shift but actually skip over several planets in order to settle for their natural position in the real sky. This has been never done before! The last time it was done is dreamtime, Navajo astrology and old Egypt.

What takes place is that horoscopes made in ecliptic fashion along with deprecated zodiacs don't show any real sky at all. Surely you had belief in such systems, however they are not valid as concern the real sky. They are for entertainment purpose only. It is easy to prove that the makers and propagators of simple popular entertainment astrology hardly have any idea of their own natal Sun position. How could they? They are working with simplified models, not true natal skies at all.

The Night and Day house system is what you see when scanning the real sky and horizon. The planets are in their proper place as naturally registered by the observer. This is a great change for your natal horoscope!

The system implies the planets are in their proper zodiacal positions with the horizon displaying the constellations in the real sky. The most amazing feature is not only the shift the real sky produces on model-based horoscopes but the actual overlapping as well as skipping of one planet over the other in a natal horoscope.

The Night and Day house system is under development from the authors of the 16/22 astrology system. While adjusting your horoscope to the real skies the system is ready for a surprise quantum jump into a new direction in modern astrology.

While using the Night and Day house system the planets will overlap and exchange positions while settling for their true position in the observed sky. Thus your 7th house Neptune may be in the 6th while Venus may take a trip from the sixth and into the 7th house while leaping over the Moon there.

While the Night and Day house system adjusts the horoscope for the real sky as observed by naked eye and telescope, various surprises are possible for the astrologer. The usual way to make a natal chart was to use the ecliptic. This sort of projection does not confirm to the sky as seen by naked eye. One would e.g. look for Aries rising in vain in the eastern sky at this epoch.

Let us consider a late autumn with full Moon in Orion and Jupiter sharing the same azimuth. The stupendous sight as afforded by the Moon below Jupiter at the stargate is of course visible as conjunction. As on many an occasion the eye does not lie but the little PC program will show another sky. There is no Moon in Orion for this program much as general astrology fans never know that both the WTC and Osama have Moon in Orion.

The real sky is different. It simply does not comply with simplified models whatever their origin. Since we are studying your true natal skies we settled for no less than NASA compatible equipment. The ephemeris and calculations are mostly worked out directly on the NASA server in Pasadena.

It is taken for granted that NASA knows the position of the planets, yet people are not at all inclined to believe in truth due to transcendental problems requiring exorcism on planetary level. This exorcism is the annihilation of the personal inorganic enemy and false mind as promised by the redeemer or messiah. Jupiter is currently in Ophiuchus announcing the messiah.

Copyright © 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Web site Dwarf Planet Eris Publications. The Precessed Ascendant and Neptunian Zodiac are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Eris delineation and scientific astrology resources © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Venus in Special Constellations is © 1995 - 2007 Klaudio Zic. Scientific Astrology is © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic.

Copyright © 2006 - 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

Klaudio Zic can be reached via e-mail for consultation as well as special report and publication.
The Precessed Ascendant and Astronomic Zodiac are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The X Zodiac is Copyright © 2005 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. Eris, Pluto, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna, Logos and all (H < 6) TNO delineation are Copyright © 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for the dwarf planets is © 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY9 are © 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The Night and Day 12/24 House System is Copyright © 1999 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. The delineation for comets Wild, C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) and recent centaurs are Copyright © 2004 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. 16/22 Eris astrology system is the answer to questions like "Where is Eris in my chart?" So where is Eris in your nativity, really? You guessed it; it is not where the astrologers put it since it is where the scientists found it. Eris is in Cetus. The Astrology of Eris Erisian astrology Eris in astrology Eris horoscope Eris ephemeris Eris 16/22 astrology system The Astrology of Eris Astrologia Eris Eris Astrologie Eris astrologer nativity natal chart where is my natal Eris where is Eris in my horoscope Discordian astrology the Astrology of Discord Discordia in Astrology Eris oroscopo italiano Eris horoskope Eris ephemerides Where is Eris in my natal horoscope

The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools are © 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Personal Cosmic Secretary is © 2005 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. O5 is © 1987 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. True Mind Distiller and SnowCrash are respectively © 1996 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic. Cascade is © 1987 - 2006 by Klaudio Zic.

Our management disclaims any outer comments that could have been made as concern Eris, the 16/22 Astrology System or the RTRRT as ours. Only the copyrighted material by is authoritative as concern zodiacal reformation, the precessed ascendant and instant reality rendering methods.