Add to Chart Publications Editorial, June 2006
Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. the zodiacal reformation we promised to return astrology to its origins starting with ancient Egypt. While in the process we’ll be liable to slightly rearrange the material on the site. The new publications quickly find its way into standard sections.
Our most appreciated publications remain
10th Planet in Love X Zodiac Transneptunian Astrology
O5 Initiation O5 Master Personal Cosmic Secretary
Scientific Astrology I Ching Aspectarian 108 Points in Astrology
16 Precessed Ascendants 16 X 16 Synastry 24 Constellation Zodiac
Dark Planets Lilith Vera 10th Planet in Synastry
Apoheles Earth Coorbitals Genesis Ascendant
Da Vinci Cycle RTRRT Venus in Special Positions
The material on the site in order of appearance
Generally dedicated to new publications. This section might include current predictions, real positions of planets in the current sky as well as editorial notes. Sections 0 1 and 2 are generally what you see on the first page.
This section contains a few of the most acclaimed publications. Currently the Dark Side of Instant Magick and Pentagram Ritual in Egyptian Astrology.
Real Time Reality Rendering Tools. Our Instant Magick series presents itself with O5 Initiation, O5 Master, Personal Cosmic Secretary, Snow Crash and True Mind Distiller. The recent publications offer a better perspective on the practical as well as spiritual implications of instant magick.
The 10th Planet is 2003 UB313. This planet has been copiously delineated for babies, teens, businessmen and lovers. You will find even a 10th Planet for Pets publication. We have dedicated most of August 2005 to the 10th planet.
A separate series of publications dedicated to the U.S.A. is currently enriched with a special service as centered on the 2006 Mercury Transit. This service includes the Genesis Ascendant, president Bush prediction as well as Solar Return for the U.S.A.
This section was dedicated to RTRRT publications. It will probably contain our experimental as well as public domain Egyptian studies.
Section #6 is our standard astrology section containing the astronomic ascendant as well as zodiac with publications such as Scientific Astrology, 16 Ascendants, and 24 Basic IAU Zodiac. The Apoheles and Earth Coorbitals pertain to this section. All IAU zodiacs are included such as the Neptunian, Plutonian and X Zodiac. TNO Astrology is the vade mecum of the serious astrologer since it contains the delineation for all major transneptunians. In this section the astrologer learns how to calculate the true ascendant as well as interpret true planetary positions such as Venus in Orion 2006.
Research material follows the standard section. It is very difficult for the novice to notice the difference between the standard section and research.
The research material gradually occupies the standard section as outer guardians, Apoheles, Earth coorbitals and giant comets settle for their places in every horoscope. While the KBO or transneptunian objects pertain to the standard section, objects with over 80 000 years period usually fall under research. Present visitor from distant space 2006 HW51 has been presented in this section as well as with omens for the U.S.A.
Famous characters fall under this section. Some materials on Jesus Christ such as our Magdalene Research pertain to an effort to calculate the marriage of Jesus. We did so with success. Da Vinci and the Phoenix Cycle pertain to the 10th planet series as well as this section. American president George Bush may have a risky summer 2006, indeed. Lovecraft has been included with 2002 AW197 financial transneptunian.
Klaudio Zic a.k.a. Claudio Antonio Valentin Solis; his own horoscope and private life include several marvelous Venice guides for O5 initiates and friends. This is Klaudio’s private section. You can visit the secret parts of Venice for free with Klaudio as guide.
Educational stuff, kid stuff, ephemeris and various help files pertain to this section. It is here that the young astrologer learns the position of one’s own natal Sun. Useful data unavailable elsewhere like Venus in Orion 2006 are available for free download.
Editorial material and old logs essentially form another free download area. Preview and many free downloads form a solid body of knowledge for the incipient astrologer.
This section will temporarily store the RTRRT, mostly free download and informative material. One can learn how to have any wish come true in record time for free.