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Add to Chart Publications Editorial, June 2006

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Featured Article: Modern Egyptian Astrology

New Gods in Egyptian Skies

Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology

Lend an EAR to Egyptian Astrology Renewal in order to do horoscopes like an Egyptian!


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Egyptian Astrology Renewal Project

Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology

Lend an EAR to Egyptian Astrology Renewal and do horoscopes like an Egyptian!

So what is this Egyptian deal? Years ago we promised to upgrade (or downgrade?) to Egyptian astrology as soon as we finish with zodiacal reformation, ... and a couple of projects like the precessed ascendant and, well... there were some new discoveries like the 10th planet and ... the skies kept us busy quite for a while.

We plan to retain the new planets while working within the safe frame provided by the sky as it is, Egyptian sky or NASA sky alike. NASA skies and Egyptian skies look much the same to Mayan as well as Chinese observers. The skies are distorted only for the crooked minds of recent "astrologers".

Are we ready? Yes and no! Since there should be but slight difference between Venus in Orion or Hat-Hoor in Sah, we can say we have Hat-Hoor in Sah this summer. Since most incipient astrologers have yet to catch up with Venus in Orion we have all the time in the world to study Venus in Sheepfold or whatever special positions like Corvus. We expect a little incipient confusion in terminology since Venus in Pegasus is clearly a Greek zodiacal attribution (not that the Greek knew about the position, just the constellation name is Greek) while some Egyptian school might organize the star clusters otherwise.

One example is Anser appearing in between Capricornus and Sagittarius. We are sure authors misplaced this bird with another but Aquila or the Genesis Ascendant of the U.S.A. has nothing to do with Vulpecula. There is compatibility between the Chinese and the Egyptian in some respect, which brings us to our next Chinese project.

We shall of course keep our precessed ascendant dear, so no Sheepfold ascendants for this epoch, sorry. Aries does not rise in the east, Sheepfold is not a present ascendant.


The serious astrologer will first have to study the astronomic zodiac the way we understand it now. It has not changed. Venus was in Pegasus or Hydra in Shumer (we checked it out!) as well as in Egypt. Some extreme positions cannot go unnoticed. The Mayan civilization was especially gifted in Venus observation, which of course leads us to our new subproject.

There will be fun for us common people, too. The Egyptian precessed ascendant is as interesting as the eastern ascendant as measured using our IAU norms. There were much more ascendants to choose from in ancient times, as we already copiously documented. The NASA skies and Egyptian skies are the same, but we intend to embed lessons and initiations into what would otherwise result a mere a listing of the positions of the planets.

So what is really new here? We shall measure the eastern ascendants representing them as Egyptian constellations. There may be quite some ascendants around that many an Egyptian was never supposed to observe. We intend to embed the new planets as well as recent findings into the solid tapestry of the Egyptian sky. That could result as a fusion.

The news as concern Sun is Sun in Orion and Sun in Cetus. Our own measurements almost set this positions and the Egyptian will surely notice the Stargate as an important station for all planets, Sun including. We can speak of the present Age of Cetus, a star more or less to the left or the right as our Sun touches Cetus. It is frustrating to have all planets in Orion or Cetus but no Sun there.

Sun in Ophiuchus has its place within the Egyptian constellation frame. Planets in Ophiuchus, Orion and Cetus have been documented abundantly. The most extreme positions such as Venus in Pegasus will be studied in detail using various Egyptian maps.

We plan to go a step further than Denderah and venture at least as far as 3500 BC to find alternative maps as well as the oldest Egyptian synastry we can offer. Egyptian synastry?

Yes, we studied a case of synastry for the pharaoh already as young astrologers. Synastry will be one of our first publications.

The material shall be published on the site as our research progresses.